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Techniks Inc. delivers the industry’s best service & support, and providing a wide array of cost effective, high production cnc toolholding solutions.

Aggregate Heads for CNC routers

Techniks Collets

Techniks Collets

Techniks exclusive PowerCOAT nuts come standard on all ER and TG Collet Chuck providing 75% more holding power on the tool shank vs. standard collet nuts for improved safety and reduce the potential of tool slippage. Mini nuts are available to reduce nut overhang when machining in tight areas such as mold & die machining or medical parts manufacturing. General Cutting Tools offers the broadest selection of Techniks ER, TG, and DA collets including standard, steelsealed, coolant, rigid & floating tap, and DNA (Dead Nuts Accurate). DNA collets provide shorter projection from the collet chuck for better rigidity and when clearance is needed.


Collet Sets

Tool Holders

Original price was: $186.00.Current price is: $130.20.
Original price was: $186.00.Current price is: $130.20.
Original price was: $205.00.Current price is: $143.50.